The Twisted Road, by A. B. Michaels

I was offered a copy of this book as part of a Black Coffee book tour. This review may contain spoilers.

I love a mystery with a twist. Normally, those twists are supernatural, but a historical setting such as this, set in San Francisco in the wake of the 1906 earthquake and the immediate aftermath of 1907’s Bloody Tuesday, was refreshing and intriguing.

There is some amount of craftsmanship in the plotting of this novel. Michaels has certainly done her research: the setting is rich and engulfing, and it’s so interesting to see how attitudes differed considering how much of a crisis we’re facing at the moment with wages and the cost of living. Every time I picked up my kindle (which I had to upgrade while reading this book), I was wholly drawn into this mystery. There are quite a few threads laid at the beginning of the book, but don’t worry – these are intertwined brilliantly, with no time wasted between any of them. There was hardly any time to breathe between the pages of The Twisted Road at all; the plot is tight and snappy, well-paced, and around every indent is another clue to the dramatic finale.

The characters in this book were absolutely engaging and easy to root for. Even the smallest part was filled with someone you could admire every aspect of, incredibly detailed, with a life you could wonder about. The core group were amazingly constructed, so lifelike, and with a decent amount of time dedicated to each one – although, I will say, there was not nearly enough time following Oliver as he deserved. The way they rally around Jonathan as soon as they realise he’s in trouble and their loyalty through thick and thin make them a cast I’d love to read more about. I adored Cordelia. She was a brilliant addition to the group, the dynamics of which wouldn’t work quite as well without her. She was stubborn and headstrong, fully aware of the societal prejudice against her and more than prepared to challenge it.

It wouldn’t be one of my reviews without a little hint of the supernatural, so the inclusion of Jonathan’s cadou was intriguing. It was also a little confusing, as I’m not entirely sure where it came from or exactly when it first appeared in the text. This could, of course, simply be me missing something in my haste to solve the mystery, but a little more explanation would be appreciated.

All in all, The Twisted Road is an engrossing, engaging read with an encompassing setting and characters you’d die for. I’m more than excited to follow along with any more instalments in the series, hopefully coming soon.

Check out The Twisted Road on Amazon and Goodreads.

About the book

Jonathan Perris Can’t Save His Clients
…Until He Saves Himself


Rising from the devastation of a massive earthquake and fire, San Francisco is once again on the move. But a strike by streetcar drivers threatens to halt the Golden City in its tracks. Protests turn to violence and violence leads to death. Soon a young guard is convicted of willfully killing a protester and the public is out for blood.

Jonathan Perris, an immigrant attorney from England, has opened a law firm with an eye toward righting wrongs, and the guard’s conviction may fall into that category. But the talented barrister soon finds his newfound career shaken by a tragic event: the gruesome murder of the beautiful and mysterious Lena Mendelssohn—a woman he’s been squiring around town. It’s difficult to run a law firm when you’ve been arrested for murder.

About the author

A native of California, A.B. Michaels holds masters’ degrees in history (UCLA) and broadcasting (San Francisco State University). After working for many years as a promotional writer and editor, she turned to writing the kind of page-turning fiction she loves to read. She writes historical fiction (“The Golden City” series) as well as contemporary romantic suspense (“Sinner’s Grove Suspense.”). “Barrister Perris Mysteries” is her latest endeavor, based on characters introduced in “The Golden City.” All of her books are stand-alone reads.

Michaels currently lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband and two elderly, four-legged “sons” (16 and 17!) who don’t seem to know they’re just dogs. She is an avid reader, traveller, quilter and bocce player, as well as a mediocre but enthusiastic golfer.

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