4 YouTube Channels to Check Out if You’re Looking for Background Music for Writing Sessions

I’ve previously mentioned my writing motivation playlist that I use whenever I need a little boost during a writing session. There are times, however, when I want to really knuckle down and write, but I keep getting distracted by the lyrics, or sometimes the vibe just isn’t right for the scene or project I’m working on. When that happens, I have a list of YouTube channels that I know I can rely on.

The Jazz Hop Cafe

The Jazz Hop Cafe has some of the best long lofi playlists I’ve ever seen. They cater for every mood, whether you’re upbeat and happy, or looking for something a little more chill. These playlists range from 30-odd minutes to a few hours, so they’re great for settling in to a long writing session. My favourite playlist from them is their lofi/chillhop night at the bookstore mix.

Homework Radio

Homework Radio is another chill lofi channel. They post frequently and have a few livestreams going 24/7. Their videos range from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours long, but most are around an hour or less, making them perfect for writing sprints or even just as a soundtrack to your daily writing session. My favourite is, of course, their Lofi for Werewolves (Only) mix.


If you’re more into classical music or weirdly specific vibes, then nobody is the channel for you. Most playlists are around an hour long, consisting of wholly classical and instrumental music. I find the best way to enjoy these playlists is to write by candlelight, with the music just loud enough so as not to cover the sound of rain on the window. My favourite playlist is a playlist for night readers (dark academia).

Sundew Baggins

Sundew Baggins is possibly my favourite channel on this list. Their playlists are a mix of classical music, film scores, and more. Each and every playlist is specific to a very niche vibe, and absolutely brilliant for writing to. Though they don’t have quite as many videos as the other channels, their playlists hit that sweet spot of around an hour and are endlessly repeatable. My favourite of theirs is, obviously, you’re visiting a haunted victorian circus (creepy theater vibes).

Do you have any go-to background music for writing or reading? I’d love to check them out, so let me know in the comments below!